Multi Objective Optimization in Chemical Engineering | Developments and Applications

Multi-Objective Optimization in Chemical Engineering: Developments and Applications

Title : Multi-Objective Optimization in Chemical Engineering: Developments and Applications
Author : Gade Pandu Rangaiah, Prof Adrián Bonilla-Petriciolet
Pages : 528
Publisher : Wiley; 1st edition (May 28, 2013)
ISBN : 111834166X

This PDF contains detailed description of following keywords.

  • Introduction to multi-objective optimization
  • Optimization of Pooling Problems for Two Objectives Using the ε-Constraint Method
  • Multi-Objective Optimization Applications in Chemical Engineering
  • Multi-Objective Optimization Developments
  • Improved Constraint Handling Technique for Multi-Objective
  • Optimization with Application to Two Fermentation Processes
  • Robust Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (RMOGA) with Online Approximation under Interval Uncertainty
  • Chance Constrained Programming to Handle Uncertainty in Nonlinear Process Models
  • Fuzzy Multi-Objective Optimization for Metabolic Reaction Networks by Mixed-Integer Hybrid Differential Evolution
  • Parameter Estimation in Phase Equilibria Calculations Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Phase Equilibrium Data Reconciliation Using Multi-Objective Differential Evolution with Tabu List
  • CO2 Emissions : Targeting for Petroleum Refinery Optimization
  • Ecodesign of Chemical Processes with Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms
  • Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization of a Chromatographic System
  • Estimation of Crystal Size Distribution: Image Thresholding Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
  • Multi-Objective Optimization of a Hybrid Steam Stripper-Membrane Process for Continuous Bioethanol Purification
  • Process Design for Economic, Environmental and Safety Objectives with an Application to the Cumene Process
  • New PI Controller Tuning Methods Using Multi-Objective Optimization

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Introduction to HYSYS | Chemical Engineering Software Workshop

Introduction to HYSYS | Chemical Engineering Software Workshop

Title : Introduction to HYSYS | Chemical Engineering Software Workshop
Pages : 232

This PDF contains detailed description of following keywords.

  • Thermodynamics and Hysys
  • Flowsheeting
  • Reactions
  • Column Operations
  • Ethylene Glycol Plant Simulation
  • Aromatic Stripper
  • The Optimizer
  • Azeo Distillation with Liquid-Liquid Extractor
  • Reactive Distillation
  • Three Phase Distillation

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Download free Supplementary Problems for Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering

Supplementary Problems for Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering

Title : Supplementary Problems for Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering
Author : David M. Himmelblau, James B. Riggs
Pages : 857
Publisher : Prentice Hall; 8 edition (31 May 2012)

This Book contains detailed description of following keywords.

  • Introduction to Engineering Calculations
  • Problem Solving
  • Material Balances
  • Gases, Vapors, Liquids, and Solids Calculations
  • Energy Balances
  • Useful Data in Chemical Engineering

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Download free International Petroleum Fiscal Systems and Production Sharing Contracts

International Petroleum Fiscal Systems and Production Sharing Contracts

Title : International Petroleum Fiscal Systems and Production Sharing Contracts
Author : Johnston, Daniel Johnston Pages : 325 Publisher : Pennwell Pub; First Edition edition (January 1, 1994) ISBN : 0878144269

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Download free Petroleum Production Systems

Download free Petroleum Production Systems

Title : Petroleum Production Systems
Author : Michael J. Economides, A. Daniel Hill, Christine Ehlig-Economides, Ding Zhu
Pages : 752
Publisher : Prentice Hall; 2 edition (October 5, 2012)
ISBN : 0137031580

This book contains detailed description of following keywords.

  • The Role of Petroleum Production Engineering
  • Production from Unsaturated Oil Reservoirs
  • Production from Two-Phase Reservoirs
  • Production from Natural Gas Reservoirs
  • Production from Horizontal Wells
  • The Near-Wellbore Condition and Damage Characterization: Skin Effects
  • Wellbore Flow Performance
  • Flow in Horizontal Wellbores, Wellheads, and Gathering Systems
  • Well Deliverability
  • Forecast of Well Production
  • Gas Lift
  • Pump-Assisted Lift
  • Well Performance Evaluation
  • Matrix Acidizing: Acid/Rock Interactions
  • Sandstone Acidizing Design
  • Carbonate Acidizing Design
  • Hydraulic Fracturing for Well Stimulation
  • The Design and Execution of Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments
  • Sand Management

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Download free Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering

Download free Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering

Title : Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
Author : Ronald E. Terry, J. Brandon Rogers
Pages : 528
Publisher : Prentice Hall; 3rd edition (August 11, 2014)
ISBN : 0133155587

This book contains detailed description of following keywords.

  • Introduction to Petroleum Reservoirs and Reservoir Engineering 
  • Review of Rock and Fluid Properties 
  • The General Material Balance Equation 
  • Single-Phase Gas Reservoirs 
  • Gas-Condensate Reservoirs 
  • Undersaturated Oil Reservoirs 
  • Saturated Oil Reservoirs 
  • Single-Phase Fluid Flow in Reservoirs 
  • Water Influx 
  • The Displacement of Oil and Gas 
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery 
  • History Matching 

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Semi fluidization: All you need to know about

fluidization technique
Semi fluidization
Image taken from:

best selling In chemical industries, mixing is a most crucial unit operation. It helps to maximize conversion to some extent. Fluidization is one of the best way to achieve mixing.

In conventional fluidization, back-mixing, surface erosion and solid particle attrition are most common problems. To overcome this disadvantage, we can convert conventional fluidized bed into Semi-fluidized bed.

In packed bed reactor, channeling, non-uniform bed temperature and segregation of solids are common problems. Semi-fluidized bed has taken care of both packed & conventional fluidized bed disadvantages.

We can convert fluidized bed into semi-fluidized bed with providing sufficient space for fluidized bed expansion and arresting escape of solid particles by restraint in the top. Top restraint (grid) is specially to retain all solid particles & to have negligible pressure drop across it.


Early development

Since 1958, numbers of patents claimed relating to industrial application of semi-fluidized bed. Hydrodynamics, filtration, reaction kinetics and mass transfer studies are published in various research papers & journals.



The maximum and minimum bed height should be taken correctly during operation or experiment of Semi – fluidization. The variables which affect the height of the top packed bed are
  • Initial static bed height,
  • Superficial gas velocity and
  • Superficial liquid velocity 


We always find different situations in chemical process where there is contact of fluid phase with solids-for examples
  • Drying
  • Adsorption
  • Reaction kinetics
  • Solid catalysed reactionsHeat transfer
In these all cases, mixing increase the contact efficiency of fluid-solid phase.

Chlorination & vapor phase oxidation of hydrocarbons are fast exothermic reactions where Semi-fluidized bed technique can be use. Bioreactor is also well-known process where it can be use.

Such devices are of considerable industrial importance as evidenced by their wide use in chemical, petrochemical and bio-chemical processing.

Three phase fluidized bed is also one of the most excellent method of fluidization. It is also called liquid air fluidized bed, where liquid and air (gas) both phase pass upward through bed of solid phase. It is very important topic to study in Chemical reaction engineering. In recent years, it is applicable to aerobic waste water treatment and fermentation processes.


  1. Roy, G K, et al. “Hydrodynamics of Regular Particles in a Liquid-Solid Semifluidized Bed.” Powder Technology, 2009, doi:
  2. Das, B S, and B Patanaik. “Hydrodynamic study of three phase semi fluidized bed with irregular and homogeneous binary mixtures.”
  3. Deepika J, et al. “Hydrodynamics studies on semi-fluidized bed reactor using internals.” International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, vol. 3, no. 2, ser. 2, Mar. 2015, pp. 33–34. 2,